Communication Anxiety among Multidisciplinary Health Professionals during Online Sessions in COVID-19
Objective: This study aims to determine the communication anxiety among multidisciplinary health professionals during online sessions in COVID-19 and to recognize the causes of communication anxiety.Methods
Cross sectional study was done sample size was 50 with no specific proportion among professionals. Sample was taken from three professionals from a multidisciplinary team which were speech SLP/SLT, psychologist and physiotherapist. Data was collected by using a 25 questions questionnaire. Data was collected online from speech language pathologist/therapist, psychologist, and physiotherapist. Permissions were taken for data collection. Demographics were taken.Results
 : Tables from SPSS show analyzed results. Data collected was analyzed by using the SPSS. Endnote was used for the references.Conclusion
 There is a great call to make strategies, to build tailored solutions to resolve these issues that are discussed in discussion which lead to communication anxiety and provide the multidisciplinary health professionals with meaningful resources for online sessions. One most important point is that we should normalize tele practice in Pakistan both for patients and professionals. It will be beneficial for the coming generation of students if we trained them tele practice and add it in their courses as well.Keywords:
communication anxiety, multidisciplinary health professionals, coronavirus (COVID-19)Published
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