Investigating the Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Obese & Overweight Individuals in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore



Objective: Aim of this study was to workup for the prevalence of thyroid disorders in hypothyroid patients in overweight & obese individuals.


This cross-sectional study was performed in the medicine department of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, in the city of Lahore during 7th December 2019 to 6th June 2021. After getting approval from the ethical committee of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria, 235 patients were enrolled. Anthropometric measurements were performed. Then blood sample was taken after all aseptic measures by using disposable syringe of 3 cc and was forwarded to the laboratory for assessment of serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (free T4) and Thyroid peroxidase antibody levels (TPO Antibodies). Reports were assessed and levels were noted. If levels were deranged, the hypothyroidism was managed as per standard protocol. Written informed consent was taken by each & every individual involved in study


 Mean age of the patients was 49.79+14.29 years, out of total 235, 139(59. 15%) patients were male. Mean TSH level of the patients was 4 .57+2 04IU/ml. Hypothyroidism among obese was noted in 47(20.42%) patients. TPO Antibodies was positive in 8 (3.4%) patients. However, no association was noticed between overweight group and odds of hypothyroidism and TPO Antibodies positivity in adjusted results.


 Obesity was linked with a high risk of overt hypothyroidism and TPOAntibodies positivity


Hypothyroidism, Obesity, Over weight

