A Randomized Control Study on Primary Outcomes and the Effectiveness of Topical Sucralfate toReduce Post-Tonsillectomy Throat Pain
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of topical sucralfate to reduce post-tonsillectomy throat pain and associated primary outcomes.Methods
This randomized control study was conducted in the department of ENT, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (P.I.M.S.), Shaheed ZulfiqarAli Bhutto Medical University (SZABMU), Islamabad from December 2016 toAugust 2017. The ethical approval was obtained from the ethical committee of the institution. One hundred and twelve patients having recurrent tonsillitis or hypertrophied tonsils were equally distributed into twin clusters. All the patients experienced tonsillectomy procedure (cold dissection method). The participants in-group A maintained on 10ml topical sucralfate (8 hourly during zero and first post-operative days) whereas the participants in-group B maintained on placebo. A comparison of both thestudy groups was done for post-tonsillectomy throat pain score as primary outcome, at zero and first post-operative days, as well as for the intolerance of tkaing normal oral diet at the morning of first post-operative day as secondary outcomes. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21.Ap value <0.005 was considered as significant.Results
 The mean age of the study participants in group A was 12.14+5.17 whereas, in group B, it was recorded as 11.53+3.95. The overall mean age of both the groups participants was calculated as 11.83+4.59. Out of 112 patients, 55.4% (n=62) were male and 44.6% (n=50) were female. Mean age was recorded as 11.83+4.59. The mean pain scores at day zero post-operatively were calculated for both the groups and were compared through independent simple t test. The difference between groups was found statistically significant with p value of less than 0.001. Similarly, the mean pain scores at day first post-operatively were calculated for both the groups and were compared using an independent simple t test. The difference between both the groups was found statistically significant with a p value of less than 0.001. General mean pain score after tonsillectomy procedure was significantly lower in-groupA, as compared to group B (5.11+1.08 Vs 6.76+1.18, p<0.001).Conclusion
 The intensity of throat pain in study participants who are considered for tonsillectomy procedure using cold dissection method might be reduced with the use of topical sucralfate, additionally with the other analgesic measures. This can increase the compliance levels of patients undergoing cold tonsillectomy procedure.Keywords:
tonsillectomy, post-tonsillectomy pain, sucralfate.Published
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