Frequency of Autonomic Neuropathy in Patients with RheumatoidArthritis


  • Author- Rabia Rathore, Saif Ur Rab, Nasir Farooq Butt, Hina Latif, Heba Tul Noor, Adil Iqbal


Objective: To assess the frequency of autonomic neuropathy (AN) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


: This Cross sectional study was carried out at Department of Medicine, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan, from March 2020 to February 2022. A total of 100 patients were registered in the study through Outpatient Department of Medicine, Mayo Hospital, Lahore. To assess cardiac autonomic neuropathy, the five cardiovascular reflex examinations listed by Ewing were performed that includes the effect of deep breathing, Valsalva maneuver as well as standing on the measurement of heart rate (HR),also blood pressure (BP) response to sustained handgrip and standing was noted. Grading of the cardiac AN was carried out in accordance with Agarwal D et al's description.


 : The mean age of patients was 44.09 ± 10.06 years. There were 29 (29%) males and 71 (71%) females. The mean duration of disease was 7.88 ± 1.76 years with minimum duration of 5.5 years and maximum duration of 11 years. Atotal of 77 (77%) cases had autonomic neuropathy while rest of 23 (23%) cases did not have autonomic neuropathy. There were 23 (23%) cases who had mild, 32 (32%) had moderate and 16 (16%) cases had severe autonomic neuropathy.


 : It is concluded that more than in the 3rd quarter i.e. 77% cases of RAhad Autonomic Neuropathy.


: RheumatoidArthritis,Autonomicdysfunction,Chronic inflammatorydisorder,Extra-articularmanifestations.

