Efficacy of Conservative Versus Surgical Management of Irreducible Inguinal Hernia in Patients Presenting at Mayo Hospital Lahore



Objective: comparison of the efficacy of conservative versus surgical management of irreducible inguinal hernia in our practice


We studied all the patients of irreducible inguinal hernia who presented with swelling and were managed conservatively as well as those who were operated on emergency basis during one year period(01/01/2018to 31/12/2018). Atotal of 54 patients were included in the study.


 frequency of irreducible inguinal hernia was found to be 18%(54 cases out of total300 presenting with swelling in inguinal region). 27 cases were operated in emergency and intraopertively 11.11 % (3 out of 27) had momentum in contents only, gut with momentum in 37%(10 out of 27) however gut was viable in 88.8%(24 out of 27) patients and only 3.7%had gangrenous gut. Out of 27 managed conservatively only 11.11 did not resolved leading to need for surgery while 88.8% (24 out of 27)managed successfully.hospital stay postoperatively was 79% for 1-3 days and rest of them stayed for more than 3 days.patients managed on conservative lines were discharged on second day while 11.11% converted to operated and stayed for more than 3 days


  majority of patients can be managed conservatively only small number of operated cases had gangrenous gut who needed resection and anastomosis and stoma formation


inguinal hernia, irreducible hernia, anastomosis

