Frequency of Ulnar Neuropathy, Etiologies and Electro-DiagnosticCorrelation with Clinical Severity


  • Author- Masooma Batool, Safia Bano, Faryal Shamim, Ahsan Numan


Objective: To determine frequency of ulnar neuropathy, etiology. Electro-diagnostic correlation with clinical severity.


This cross-sectional study was conducted in Neurology, King Edward Medical University Lahore. 95 patients, clinically diagnosed with ulnar neuropathy, were included, from July 2022 to Dec 2022. Patients with polyneuropathy, radiculopathy and plexopathy were excluded from study. Nerve conduction studies were performed by conventional methods. Electro-diagnostic findings were noted in predesigned proforma along with history and demographic variables.


  Out of total 95 patients, 72 patients were male and 23 were females. Most prevalent age group was 15–30 years old (mean age 32.0 + 12.7 years). 86.3% of the cases (64 males and 18 females) were traumatic (52 at the elbow, 26 at forearm, 04 at wrist). Trauma was more than entrapment or any other etiology. Frequent site of injury was elbow (58.9%) of all cases.Amoderate positive correlation was noted between EDX and clinical severity. (r = 0.58)


 Ulnar neuropathy is commonly seen at elbow after this forearm, wrist with high rate of traumatic nerve injuries. Young population was affected with male predominance. A detail clinical evaluation along with electrodiagnostics is valuable to determine the ulnar neuropathic pattern and its localization. Clinical and electro-diagnostic severity correlation is valuable in predicting prognosis.


Ulnar neuropathy, Electro-diagnostics, Intramuscular, non-traumatic injury

