To Find Frequency of Significant Stenosis of Carotid Artery inPatients of Ischemic Stroke in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospita


  • Author- Uzma Siddique, Sohail Bashir Sulehria, Ch Adnan Ahmad Ather, Rashid Iqbal, Sohail Anjum, Haroon Bilal, Muhammad Yasir


Objective: To find the frequency of significant stenosis of carotid artery in patients of ischemic stroke in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Lahore.


: This descriptive study was performed in South Medical Ward of Mayo Hospital, Lahore during 27-05-2021 to 26-11-2021. All 131 ischemic stroke patients fulfilling inclusion criteria were enrolled. Once registered these cases underwent baseline investigations & color doppler ultrasonography to diagnose significant carotid stenosis. The outcome variable, i.e. significant carotid artery stenosis was entered in specifically designed proforma for study.


 : Out ofthese 131 cases, 81 (61.8 %) weremalewhilst 50 (38.2 %) were female.The average age in patients was 52.31 ± 8.67 years. Out ofthem, 33 (25.2 %) were residing in rural areas and 98 (74.8 %)living in urban area.Socioeconomic status was poor in 46 (35.1%) and 85 (64.9%) belonged to the middle class. Diabetes Mellitus was found in 39 (29.8 %) while hypertension was seen in 81 (61.8 %) cases. Mean Body Mass Index (BMI) in our cases was 26.21 ± 1.97 kg/m2 & 17 (13 %) were obese among our cases. Significant carotid artery stenosis was noted in 52 (39.7%).


 : These results indicate high frequency of significant stenosis of carotid artery in ischemic stroke patients. Significant carotid artery stenosis was significantly associated with advancing age. All physicians treating these patients of ischemic stroke should look for significant carotid artery disease which will save them from future adverse events. This will reduce morbidity, mortality & prolonged hospitalization among these patients.


: Significant Carotid artery disease, ischemic stroke, frequency

