Colonoscopy: A Clinical Audit of Indications and Diagnosis. A 5-year Data Analysis in a Tertiary Care Centre


  • Author- Ayesha Waheed, Talha Ghafoor Sial, Mehrin Farooq, Shamail Zafar


Objective: This clinical audit is performed to evaluate the indications for lower GI endoscopy, assess the diagnostic yield, and identify the prevalence of lower GI diseases in a tertiary care center.


This study of 295 patients was done at Department of Medicine/Gastroenterology, Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital Lahore. A dedicated team, including experienced Gastroenterologist/Endoscopists, nurses, and data analysts, undertook a comprehensive review of lower GI endoscopy records. Comprehensive criteria for indications, and disease diagnoses was established, as per clinical guidelines. Data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics version 24.


 Out of 295 patients, 177 (60%) were males and 118 (40%) were females. Mean age of male patients was 46 (17- 68) years while the mean age of female patients was 42(19-62) years. The commonest age group in males and females was 51-60 years. While in age group of 20-30 a significant number of patients were seen. Bleeding PR was the most common primary indication for most of LGIE (n=105/295) (35.5%) followed by Diarrhea (n=101/295) (34.2%). Normal LGIE was the most common outcome in males (29.3%) and females (33.0%) while Hemorrhoids was the second common pathology in males (17.5%) while Non-specific Colitis (22%) in females. Diverticulitis was the least common pathology in both male and female patients.


 This clinical audit contributes to a more informed and evidence-based approach to LGIE. Bleeding PR and Diarrhea work-up were the most common indications and normal exam was the predominant finding. By evaluating indications, diagnostic efficacy, and diagnosis, we aim to optimize the utilization of colonoscopy, enhance diagnostic precision, and improve patient outcomes for those with lower GI disorders.


Endoscopy, LGIE, Bleeding PR, Diarrhea

