An Analytical Paper on Healthcare Providers' Divided Loyalties


  • Author- Uzma Bibi, Kashif Khan, Ainan Arshad


This paper explores the ethical challenges in pediatric oncology, focusing on a case where a 10-year-old girl diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer is recommended chemotherapy, which her parents oppose in favor of alternative treatments. It scrutinizes the conflict between medical best practices and parental autonomy, incorporating beneficence and patient advocacy principles. Utilizing data from global cancer registries and studies on treatment-related mortality, the paper underscores the critical role of evidence-based treatment in increasing survival rates. Ethical theories such as beneficence and virtue ethics are examined to guide healthcare professionals in advocating for optimal patient outcomes while respecting cultural and religious beliefs. Recommendations are provided to enhance cultural competency, patient education, and legislative support for evidence-based treatments. This case study highlights the intricate balance required to support medical ethics and patient autonomy in pediatric cancer care.


Pediatric Oncology, Ethical Dilemmas, Evidence-based Treatment, ParentalAutonomy, Beneficence

