Assessment of Cognitive Functioning in Diabetic Patients withDiabetic Foot
Objective: To determine the prevalence of poor cognitive functioning in diabetics with diabetic foot.Methods
This cross sectional study was undertaken at Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Rawalpindi, from September to December 2021. The study included 190 patients, known to be diabetic, aged 40 to 70 years of either gender, with diabetic foot, presenting to Department of medicine CMH Rwp. Patients with advanced kidney disease and dementia were excluded. Informed consent was taken from all patients. Mini-Mental State investigation (MMSE) results were used to evaluate overall mental condition (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975). Score was noted and if MMSE score was found 24, poor cognitive function was labeledResults
 The mean age of the patients was 60±7.84 years. In our study, 132(69.47%) were males and 58(30.53%) were females. The mean duration of disease of the patients was 11.66±4.58 years. 22(11.70%) patients were on oral treatment, 72(38.30%) were on insulin and 94(50%) patients were on both. About 71(37.77%) patients were found to be hypertensive, and 70(36.8%) patients were smokers. The mean duration of diabetic foot was 2.23±1.93 months and the mean MMSE score was 23.86±2.95. Poor cognitive functioning was found in 99(52.11%) patients.Conclusion
  It is concluded that poor cognitive function in diabetic patients with diabetic foot significantly contributes to the disease.Keywords:
Poor Cognitive Functioning, Diabetic Foot, diabetes mellitusPublished
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