Visual Outcome in Diabetic Retinopathy Patients after Pan-Retinal Photocoagulation with Pattern Laser. (Nidek GYC Jixi Model)


  • Author- Sajid Munir, Sheraz Saleem, Fida Muhammad, Aftab Alam Tanoli, Nighat Fatima, Nasir Chaudhary


To assess the visual outcome in the patients of diabetic retinopathy after panretinal photocoagulation.


Over a period of 11 months, 54 eyes of 26 patients with severe &very severe NPDR and PDR were prospectively followed up. Visual outcome was assessed thrice i.e after one, two and three months follow-up. A prospective interventional study was done at NMDC from Jan 2018 to Nov 2018. Patients have different types of systemic illness like hypertension, connective tissue disorder are excluded for this study.


  In all groups patients pre treatment level of visual acuity checked. After one month followup few patients decrease their visual acuity and it was due to inflammatory edema caused by laser. After that almost all patients maintained their pre treatment level of visual acuity patient suffer from vitreous haemorrhage and it is most likely due to poor metabolic control.


  Timely PRP save the vision of patients and prevent it's complications. It also save the patients from permanent Blindness. Pattern laser make the PRP easily and save the time as well as postural problem of patients and doctors.


Diabetic retinopathy (DR), pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP), Visual outcome.

