SARS-CoV-2 & Children's Mental Health-Assessing Psychiatric Concerns and Potential Solutions: A Narrative Review


  • Author- Mir Ibrahim Sajid, Javeria Tariq, Ayesha Akbar Waheed, Dur-e-Najaf


This review aims to critically evaluate the currently available literature concerning the impact SARS-CoV-2 has had on pediatric mental health.


An extensive literature review was conducted on four major databases, PubMed, CINAHL, Science Direct and Wiley Online Library; and a pre-print server, medRxiv using keywords of COVID-19 and derivatives, Children and Mental Health.


  We highlighted that stress, anxiety, depression, boredom and the fear of getting infected were the main psychiatric disorders found during the SARS-CoV-2 period. These may have resulted from the lack of socialization and isolation from friends, with institutional closure causing more than 890 million students in 114 countries to stay home. Children who are separated from their parents are more likely to experience acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, either because they have the infection themselves or because their caregiver has contracted the virus. In order to ensure quality family time, possible ways to overcome these issues include: physical activity, virtual communication, and fostering a safe home atmosphere.


  It is suggested that mental health problems have a well-correlated connection to suicide, which is the third largest cause of death among children aged 15-19 years worldwide. Clinicians and child support agencies must step up to ensure the optimal health of children, both physically and psychologically, with certain psychological issues looming, as the pandemic lasts.


SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Pediatrics, Mental Health, Affective Disorders

